WELCOME TO Scare City Roleplay Rule-Book

Before joining the server, please ensure you have read and understood the rules. you will be held accountable for all rule breaks regardless if you are aware of the rule or not

It is important to understand that even though a rule isn’t specifically written for certain actions, it might still be punishable. However, if you feel like you have been wrongly banned, refer to our ban appeal form located here on our forums.

  • You Cannot Share Any Kind of Account with Other Players For Playing on Our Server.
  • Normal swearing is allowed even when you are in a roleplay. Words that can be considered derogatory will not be tolerated in any way regardless if you feel you have the right to use them. This includes slang for sexual orientation, racist remarks, ethnicity, etc.
  • Any threats made against any member of the community are not tolerated. Threats include but are not limited to doxxing, ddosing, etc. This is punishable by a ban. We will assist the police with any inquiries.
  • Trading real-life items for any in-game luxury is not allowed. FiveM strictly prohibits this, and you will be permanently banned without appeal. Donations/support made to cover server costs is the only FiveM exemption to this rule.
  • You may not advertise other communities through Scare City Roleplay, nor should you advertise any products, services, or accounts for personal gain unless relevant to the server itself. A ban will be issued through the respective channel that you were using to advertise.
  • Abusing Someone too much against their will or too much toxicity will not be tolerated at all.
  • Being toxic on stream, YouTube chat, Discord or in people's DMs is not tolerated.
  • You are encouraged to select your words thoughtfully, ensuring they do not inadvertently cause offense or harm to anyone's sentiments. Failure to do so may result in consequences.
  • Character Breaking occurs when a character goes out of character while being in a roleplay scenario, such as referring to OOC terms, is never allowed. In the event of needing to talk to staff or mention something regarding OOC knowledge, use /report, /looc, /ooc or go to our Discord.
  • Always stay in character. If there is a problem, role-play out the scenario and report it on the discord.
  • Do not do actions in the game to bait others into breaking roleplay this includes “Get that person’s ID” “I will submit a ticket” “I am going to speak with an adult” and "That is so powerful"
  • Approaching staff/admin in the game to deal with issues.
  • Metagaming is using information that you did not obtain in character to influence your character's actions or favor your character.
  • For example:

  • Knowing the location of someone’s stash house from a YouTube stream and purposefully going there with your character.
  • Knowing from your friend on Discord that you need a specific item for a job then going around asking for it.
  • Having an outside discord or group chat for your IC group, business, gang, etc.

In-game MetaGaming is a type of metagaming in which a character uses in-game information that is sort of unreal/unknown for a character such as misusing the Paypal ideas by noting them and using them in any situations, etc

Role-playing outside of your character traits, abusing mechanics, and using means not in-game to gain an advantage.

  • Creating role-play where there is only one outcome.
  • Modding your game client in a way that gives you an advantage over others is not allowed (Using visual mods to ) (Having It on Your Pc Will be Considered As Used)
  • Not RPing your injuries like sprinting or fighting as soon as you leave the hospital.
  • Jumping around to gain speed in a situation.
  • Using a Taser to pop tires.
  • Roleplaying unrealistic superpowers to gain advantage.
  • Talking or organizing while downed. Role-playing your injuries is fine.
  • Using a phone or radio while downed or handcuffed.
  • You should NOT change the style of how your PED looks every minute.
  • Civilians cannot escort a person until or unless the person is down / unconscious.
  • Engaging in a fist fight while swimming
  • Using of /reloadskin while being in a situation is a bannable offense
  • When a player exits/disconnects or leaves any situation to avoid roleplay is termed as combat logging. It is a bannable offense as it spoils other players' rp too.
  • The player who performs such actions has to continue the situation else his inventory may get wiped!!
  • If Someone gets disconnected due to some technical reasons or he has to go somewhere IRL then he can use /ooc to inform the other party or can message staff support to let them know.
  • Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) is strictly prohibited. At SCRP, we define VDM as the act or effort of intentionally using a vehicle to kill or injure other persons or where a player kills another person, without intent, by reckless performance under circumstances where any sane individual would understand that such performance could beyond reasonable doubt result in the death of another person.
  • An act in which a person uses his vehicle as a weapon in order to protect his own life from any direct or immediate threat, will not be considered VDM. A direct or immediate threat in this section is defined as any individual who actively attempts to take your life at the moment. If a person who attempts to kill you, but falls short of completing the act, tries to flee the scene, he is no longer considered a direct threat to your life.
  • If you are downed and respawned at the hospital, your character forgets all events leading up to you being downed in the current scenario.
  • You may not respawn if you have been advised that police or EMS are on the way to your scene.
  • You may not respawn if you are in an active situation.
  • The only time you should be calling EMS/police while downed is when you are 100% alone and your injuries were not inflicted by someone else.

Example: /911 *LOCAL CALL* There is an unconscious man on the side of Great Ocean Highway. If you have been the victim of a rule break and the situation has been dealt with by a member of staff, you do not start a new life.

  • Criminal activities are limited to 5 players max. at a time. People who act as a spotter on the radio or anyone providing communication count as part of your group.
  • You cannot bring back an active situation to your turf where you might find your friends/gang of 15 members waiting there.
  • When a group of 5 engages with a group of 5+, you are knowingly engaging a bigger group, and they do NOT have to drop numbers to defend themselves.
  • A maximum of FIVE players can participate in a robbery, including any ‘external backup’
  • In Gang Situations, i, e Gang War and Gang Hunt, 5 Official Members can take part in it.

You are expected to put effort into your role-play. Always shooting and running from police in situations where it isn’t called for may be considered low-effort RP.

  • For example: Running from a traffic stop where you would only be getting a speeding ticket.

Cop baiting is not allowed. Do NOT intentionally try to get pulled over or chased

Using NPCs, like the shop clerk as a hostage is considered low effort. Find a hostage and provide that interaction for others.

Trolling/baiting is the deliberate act of performing certain actions to provoke a reaction. We have a very clear list of what we consider trolling, but we advise using common sense as trolling is a very broad subject, and it is not practical to list everything.

We consider the following as trolling:

  • Running around people who are trying to roleplay, throwing yourself in front of vehicles, blocking people with your car without RP, jumping off buildings, bombarding people with messages, and playing soundboards/voice changers in-game without RP and in our discord channels.
  • Depending on severity, a violation of this rule could lead to a permanent ban without appeal.
  • Not role-playing realistically.
  • Taking unrealistic ramps in a vehicle.
  • Jumping off a three-story building and running away.
  • Participating in ANY criminal activity 15 minutes (in real-time) before or after a scheduled restart is considered "Fail-RP". Server restarts are static and unchanging so ANY activity can be properly planned and thus properly concluded.
  • When your communication devices have been stripped from you, then all communication is to be made through proximity/direct [voice] chat. Continued use of the radio would be considered Fail-RP.
  • Baiting is not allowed. Baiting for the sake of a gunfight is not considered roleplay. A few examples of baiting are: doing donuts around the police to provoke a reaction, robbing a gas station only to start a gunfight, and standing on top of somebody’s car without any RP to get a reaction from the owner.
  • If EMS is on duty and you fail to use the service by bringing someone to Pillbox yourself, this is considered 'Fail-RP’ as you are removing EMS roleplay. The exception to this is if you get no response from EMS after 3 minutes.
  • When you are downed; You cannot communicate with anyone while downed. You are supposed to be hurt and must always speak/act as if you are hurt. If the cause of you being downed is from a non-lethal weapon, ex. Fists, then you may speak. If you are downed by a lethal weapon, guns/knives, then you may not speak after a few seconds of being downed.
  • When kidnapping, mugging, and/or executing someone you must provide high-quality roleplay. There must be a logical and good reason for it to take place. Camping locations to perform these acts is considered “Fail-RP”.
  • Landing helicopters anywhere other than designated helipads is strictly considered Fail RP and will not be tolerated.

This means that you must always value your life and act accordingly in different situations. Holding a gun to someone’s head does not necessarily make you the most powerful person in the room. For example, if you try to hold up an armed cop with multiple units around them, they are less than likely to comply with orders that you give and you may well end up dead.

Being a corrupt EMS is not allowed.

Once you are handcuffed and brought to Pillbox/MRPD the scenario is over.

You can't take somebody hostage to trade them for the suspects at Pillbox/MRPD.

You can’t start a shootout at Pillbox/MRPD to break out suspects in custody. You have to understand and be mindful of how these situations impact the entire city when Pillbox is under lockdown due to something like this.

You cannot break someone out of police custody.

You are not allowed to steal emergency vehicles unless you manage to obtain one via a roleplay scenario. This does not include holding up EMS or PD workers to gain the vehicle without prior roleplay behind it.

Robbing players should be well thought out and uncommon. It should not be part of your role-play that your character robs people cause he’s a scumbag.

Chain robbing the jewelry store, convenience stores, houses, and banks is not tolerated. Chain robbing is defined as continually hitting the same location over same time while not attempting to engage in role-playing with law enforcement.

Robbing someone while they are AFK will result in a ban.

Initiating RP with the intention of robbing a person is not allowed.

You Can't Ask Anyone to Give Their Whole Bank Balance While on Gunpoint (Loopholes = Ban ) Scam Rp Is Allowed - Limit Will be 200000

  • You may kidnap LEOs if there is a reasonable RP.
  • You may not kidnap an LEO who is already actively RPing in a scenario you are not involved in.
  • You may not rob a cop; they are not your loot cows or your personal armory.
  • Nobody is allowed to teach the Police what they need to do in a situation in RP. If a police officer is doing something wrong please complete the whole situation and then contact Support to clarify the situation. There are many rules which are different for Police as compared to Civilians.
  • Stealing Police vehicles from Green Zone, and Blue Zone is Prohibited
  • Police are much better trained than a normal civilian, So If any PD Officer catches you in a situation then you have to show appropriate Fear RP towards the officers. If the police tell you to pull over then there is no need to perform a chase every time. It can be an excellent opportunity to initiate a Roleplay scenario instead.
  • Think twice before initiating a Code Red (shootout) situation. You need to have a significant reason in character to start a shootout with the Police or it may be considered Fail RP.
  • Using Police Weapons by civilian, gangs or anyone other than officers will lead to a serious ban.
  • PD Weapon and stuff Smuggling is a bannable offence as the culprit will have to face a Character Wipe too !!
  • Individuals engaging in any criminal activities such as any type of robberies or heists must wait for the Police Department (PD) response before escaping
  • In the case of 1 to 3 suspects involved in a crime, the responding PD team will consist of 5 members. If there are 3 to 5 suspects involved, the N+2 rule shall be followed for PD response.

PD Looting Rule: (Items Allowed for Looting)

Criminals are permitted to loot the following items from the PD:

  • Armor
  • Handcuffs
  • Bullets
  • Seized Evidence (Any Illegal Stuff)

Proper Situations for Looting:

PD looting shall take place after a proper in-character situation, ensuring that various code reds or kidnapping scenarios are not initiated solely for the purpose of looting.

Recording and Fair Play:

It is mandatory for criminals to record the entire RP initiation and execution process of the looting, ensuring transparency and fair play.

Activity Status

  • INACTIVE: Not enough officers available; no new situations until more officers arrive.
  • CITY SAFE: Sufficient officers available for duty; situations may be initiated.
  • In Progress: Ongoing situation being handled by law enforcement; refrain from initiating new situations.
  • Cooldown: PD busy processing suspects or on break; no new situations initiated.
  • Police Meeting: PD engaged in internal affairs; no new situations initiated.
  • Kidnapping someone who is AFK is not allowed
  • You cannot make people in the safe zones your hostage.
  • You are allowed to make the police officer your hostage outside the safe zone if found alone.
  • Making any Onduty EMS staff your hostage is strictly prohibited, it would be considered as Fail RP !!
  • If you need to point a gun at someone to make them your hostage, you need to have 5 police officers City Safe in the city if you want to execute a robbery.
  • If you realize that there are not enough police officers in the city for a bank robbery within 15 minutes, you will have to release the hostage without harming them.
  • In Gang Wars and Hunt, only 5 Official Members are allowed to participate and no one else will be allowed to take part in it.
  • Bounty Hunter RP is only allowed when done with proper progression and must have a proper reason for it. It should be prohibited in random/casual situations
  • Reviving at Granny does not remind you of Everything and you still have to roleplay not knowing the situation. Someone has to remind you organically of the situation for you to remember.
  • Combat Storing should be prohibited in any of the RP situations.
  • Gunplay Over Roleplay should be kept in mind before getting into any Criminal/Gang Situation. Usage of Weapons should be minimised.
  • Gang Hunt is valid only when there is proper reasoning behind it. The Gang who is planning a Hunt must have a proper reason and must inform the other Gang before declaring the Hunt.
  • Anyone found Exploiting any sort of Bugs will get Permanently Banned From the Server.
  • Safezone Killing and Firing must be prohibited. Safezone camping is a bannable offence too.

Using OOC / LOOC for Pausing or Stopping RP

OOC (Out of Character) or LOOC (Local Out of Character) communication should only be used in specific circumstances. These include:

Technical Issues: Such as power outages or internet connectivity problems.

Extreme Cases: For instance, situations involving toxicity or other severe disruptions, after warning the other party in OOC / LOOC.

Important Guidelines:
  • Strong Reason: Always have a compelling reason for not continuing a situation in RP.
  • Avoid Server Rule Violations: Ensure these situations are not common occurrences and do not disrupt the server rules.

Police Department (PD) Corruption Rule:

  • Allowed: Accepting bribes for minor offences or releasing suspects.
  • Not Allowed: Tampering with evidence, smuggling PD equipment, planning or participating in criminal activities such as kidnapping or murder. Additionally, any seized material must not be smuggled or provided to outsiders. PD members are strictly prohibited from framing individuals, creating fake warrants, or making false allegations for personal benefit.

Department of Justice (DOJ) Corruption Rule:

  • Allowed: Handling legal cases while upholding justice. Conducting internal investigations to root out corruption.
  • Not Allowed: Direct involvement with criminal organizations, planning or participating in criminal activities such as kidnapping or murder. DOJ members are also prohibited from framing individuals or creating fake warrants.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Rule:
  • Allowed: Providing medical assistance and transportation.
  • Not Allowed: Participating in criminal activities such as kidnapping or murder. EMS personnel are further restricted from performing surgeries or actions that may endanger a person's life or involve the removal or smuggling of body parts.

Additionally, DOJ officials may accept bribes for facilitating legal proceedings, easier paperwork, or influencing court decisions, while EMS personnel may engage in minor forms of corruption, such as accepting rewards for special medical assistance. However, all actions must prioritize professionalism and integrity, ensuring the well-being of patients and upholding justice. Violations of these rules will result in Strict Actions.

Note: PD and Gang or DOJ and Gang are NOT Allowed. This means that a person cannot have one character in PD or DOJ and the other in Gang. While, you may have One Character in EMS and the other in Gang. Though, you may still be aware of No Smuggling.

Fake Hostages -

using your friends as a hostage for a robbery is not allowed

Recording -

Players may take pictures with their phone using the emotes. They may record using a camera. The camera may pick up audio if the player is in range to hear the audio (not through walls/glass etc.)

Loitering -

Don't hang/loiter around Govt. properties, only be there if you are needed or required there. Los Santos has numerous hangouts, chill, and enjoy these places instead of standing and chatting at the Pillbox the whole day.

Tuner Chip -

You must keep a tuner chip on you if you tune your car.

Avoid Roleplay Blurring -

There must be a clear separation between ‘in character’ (IC) and ‘out of character’ (OOC) behavior and knowledge. If your personal feelings begin to bleed into the roleplay, it is advised that you take a break from the server. If you continue to act based on OOC feelings, beliefs, disagreements or other information in character, especially in a toxic manner, we will be forced to remove you from the server. Please remember that your character is not you and anything that happens to your character is not a direct attack on your outside reality.

Continuing to roleplay a character that could be of a sensitive nature after being requested to stop is punishable by a ban. A sensitive character could, for example, be Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, or another heinous person in history.

Roleplaying as a nude character is not allowed. An exception to this rule is if you are inside the strip club

  • The /me command should be used to enhance roleplay
  • Make sure your name is reasonable and realistic. If your name violates this rule you are forced to choose a new name or staff may choose one for you.
  • It is the responsibility of every player to report server rule violations using the /report command without breaking character or interfering in any situation(s).
  • Fake Cop RP is NOT allowed. If anyone engages in this type of RP, we will take strict action.
  • Without proper roleplay, you can't rob anyone (for example - pointing a gun at any person or just looting them without any proper roleplay or reason).
  • Without any role-play, you can't loot anyone's car trunk. This is also considered Random Looting.
  • Anyone caught attacking the PD (Police Station) or the City Hall (Court House) will be declared a TERRORIST and shall be Permanently Jailed.
  • This is to inform everyone that any Combat Logging between situations will result in a Ban + Inventory Wipe.
  • For Countering Safezone Camping, you have to wait for 10-15 minutes for that person to come out of the safe zone and if he still does not come out then you can cuff him and take him out of the safe zone and then continue the situation.
  • For Pacific Bank Robbery 5 Robbers are allowed. This is only Robbery which allows 5 Members to take part in it.
  • In Case Of Random Looting, The Culprit will get a ban and will face an appropriate ban duration and will be unbanned only after he returns the looted items.
  • In Case of Combat Logging, the culprit has to give his inventory to the person he was having the situation with, else he won't be unbanned.
  • In Gang Wars and Hunt only 5 Official Members are allowed to participate and no one else will be Allowed to take part in it.
  • Drive-by is not allowed at any cost. It is only allowed in if it is mutually accepted by the two.
  • Bounty Hunter RP is only allowed when done with proper progression and must have a proper reason for it. It should be prohibited in random/casual situations
  • Reviving at Granny does not remind you of Everything and you still have to roleplay not knowing the situation. Someone has to remind you organically of the situation for you to remember.
  • Combat Storing should be prohibited in any of the RP situations.
  • Gunplay Over Roleplay should be kept in mind before getting into any Criminal/Gang Situation. Usage of Weapons should be minimised.
  • Gang Hunt is valid only when there is proper reasoning behind it. The Gang who is planning a Hunt must have a proper reason and must inform the other Gang before declaring the Hunt.
  • PD Weapon and Stuff Smuggling is a bannable offence as the culprit will have to face a Character Wipe too !!
  • If you have initiated a Code Red today, you are prohibited from initiating another Code Red for the next 2 days. This rule is in place to ensure fairness and balance within the server.
  • Body dumping not allowed (Including throwing body form hill)